If you have a question, check here before you ask, as it may be a very common question that we already have an answer for.

This will save you time as well as the time of the very busy organisers.

The Overlord show aims to provide an experience for the general public to learn about various aspects of recent military history through a combination of vehicular and re-enactment dioramas and proactive living historians.

The show is broadly split into two categories, vehicle exhibits, and re-enactment exhibits. We also have a collection of other exhibits which can be fun and educational.

We have up to 300 vehicle exhibitors who show off their pride and joy each year. You will see a whole range of period vehicles from bicycles used by air-raid wardens during World War II, to tanks and armoured fighting vehicles of modern day. Occasionally we have some unique civilian vehicles as well.

You will be able to get up close and personal with these vehicles and their owners who would just love to answer your questions. They only request you ask before touching. You’ll also get to see these vehicles in action in our daily arena events.

We also host over 40 re-enactment and living history groups who aim to authentically portray life on the home front, and life on the battlefield, from all sides. Many groups construct a diorama which allows you to literally step into the shoes of soldiers at the time. You will get an opportunity to see the weapons and equipment used at the time.

We also have at least one, usually two, battles inspired by real events, each daily. There will be loud bangs, and gunfire.

Many shows do not permit the presence of the axis powers, however, we believe that it is important there is representation in the very least to make the experience more historically accurate, but so that we do not forget and allow for history to repeat itself. With this, you may see iconography/flags/insignia/uniforms which is not acceptable outside of the context of historical re-enactment or a documentary, please note that none of the groups intend to glorify actions promote political ideology of the portrayed groups, and the organisers and the groups involved have strict rules for conduct on this matter.

We do not wish to upset people but we are acutely aware that such symbology can evoke extremely strong emotions. For this reason, we respectfully ask that anyone who is likely to feel uncomfortable or offended by the historically accurate portrayal of these groups including the display of flags, insignia, uniforms, or artefacts from private collections to give our show a miss.

The Overlord Show is organised by a team of members of the Solent Overlord Executive Military Collectors Club (SOE).

SOE is a local club based in the Solent Area. You can find out more on their website.

As you would expect with a show of this scale there are tremendous running costs, so a significant amount of show takings are used to cover the costs of organising the show.

Any surpluses are distributed between several charities, and the shows organising not-for-profit, Solent Overlord Executive Military Collectors Club.

The show’s organisers, Solent Overlord Executive Military Collectors Club, have monthly meetings throughout the year.

At one of these, we vote on the potential headline charities proposed by the club members. Charities are considered according to merit, popularity with public and relevance to the military scene.

The show is held during the late may, spring, bank holiday each year.

The dates for the next show are: Sat 24th - Mon 26th May 2025

The OVERLORD Military Spectacular is held in Hampshire, at the Lawns, Forest Road, Denmead. It is a 40 acre site divided into four fields with mature trees and hedges as boundaries which provide an ideal backdrop for photography. As it is a field, it has no official address or postcode, however PO7 6HS will get you to Little Mead, which is directly opposite the Show Entrance.

The show will be signposted from junction 3 of the A3(M) to the showground – just follow the yellow and black signs.

You can find a map and additional information regarding transport options on the Getting here! page.

The show team does not have time to investigate the possible transport routes for every individual, please do not send emails asking us how to get to the show from XYZ by train or bus etc. It is suggested that you use google maps direction finding to find an appropriate route or click on this link. Directions to Show

The show is open between

9:00 - 17:00

Remember there is a lot going on at the show. You’ll want the entire day if you want to see the arena events and look around the exhibitors.

Parking is free on the showground in the large, signposted car park,. Just turn in off the road and follow the direction signs. Our cadets will guide you to a space, blue badge holders have their own area closer to the display field.

Please do not park in the residential or county roads surrounding the show field – there is no need to do this and it causes friction between the show team and some select neighbours.

Depending on your needs the show may be unsuitable for you as it is set on 40 acres of unpaved fields, however, we will do our best to give you any aid you request.

The show can not provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs or personal assistants/carers, remember to bring your own if you think you may need it. Registered carers who can provide documentation may gain entry at Concessionary rates.

The field is grass over clay so narrow tyred wheelchairs may be unsuitable in extreme conditions.

There is disabled parking close to the showfield entrance in the car park.

We have disabled toilets on site.

As our show encompass approximately 40 acres of fields, you can expect to be doing a bit of walking and to be on your feet for a while.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide seating in all areas of the show, if you have difficulty remaining on your feet for extended periods or have a medical condition what may be worsened by remaining on your feet, we would advise guests to bring some form of fold up camping chair that they can carry around with them.

The admission prices can be found on the Tickets page.

Tickets can be purchased in advance of the show by visiting our Advance Tickets page.

As of 2019, the Overlord Show will accept card payments.

Payments can be made using debit or credit cards from all major providers excluding American Express.

The show will absorb any transaction fees.

The show events programme can be found here: Programme

We are happy to allow well-behaved dogs on leads on site. We would like the owners to be similarly well-behaved and to clear up after their dogs. There are water taps around the site. Please be aware that there will be gunfire and explosions at various times of the day and there may be large crowds of people.

If you must leave your dog in your car please leave them adequate water and ventilation. The show committee will forcibly gain access to vehicles to rescue animals if deemed necessary.

The answer to this depends on the type of ticket you purchased.

Multiday tickets are available via our Advance Tickets page. Multiday tickets entitle the holder entry to the show for a pre-determined number of days. A two day ticket entitled one admission any two separate days. Similarly, a three day ticket entitles one admission on each of the three days. Advance tickets can not be modified or used multiple times in a single day, i.e. a two day ticket can not be used to admit two people for only a single day. Refunds can not be given for unused admission days.

Gate tickets can only be used on the day of purchase.

Mutliday ticket holders must have their tickets checked in when they arrive.

Tickets themselves are not used to verify someone’s permission to be onside, we additionally use wristbands. If you do not have the correct wristband you will be questioned.

The colours are alternated each day of the event and guests who are unable to present a ticket which is valid for the particular day will be met by security and escorted to the entrance gate/carpark.

If there is a reason which requires you to leave early. Please speak with the team while you are still onsite. We may be able to offer a return the next day. We can not deal with these situations after you have left as it becomes impossible to verify circumstances.

The show will go on Rain or Shine. We strongly advice that members of the public check the forecast BEFORE making their trip to the show.

If there is heavy rain, some arena events may be postponed and rescheduled for a time later in the day. Unfortunately, if there is no feasible time to reschedule some events, they will be cancelled. Some events may be cancelled to enable the performance of another event.

We understand that cold and or wet weather can put a downer on the experience, however traders will still be open for business and there will still be plenty of vehicles to see and reenactors to interact with and for this reason no refunds will be given due to inclement weather.

If the weather will be predictably severe before the first day of the show, the entire event may be cancelled and notices will be made via all platforms available to us. We will not be able to compensate for any expenses incurred as a result i.e. transport or accommodation.

There are several times throughout the day where there will be loud noises and explosions. You can expect to hear loud noises around the proposed re-enactment battle times. During the reenactment battle there will be repetitive gunfire from reenactors’ handheld weapons and pyrotechnic explosions from  vehicles, artillery pieces and fixed points in the arena. Pyrotechnic explosions will also give off strong heat which may be felt at the arena perimeter.

These loud noises may frighten children and animals.

Noises will travel significant distances and may be heard for several miles surrounding the show field. Any  residents of the local area with animals which are kept at home may wish to keep them inside around the proscribed times on the show programme.

Unfortunately, we do not have the manpower or the space to be able to facilitate public camping.

We have public liability insurance for the showground and all the equipment and personnel involved.

Almost all vehicles on display are privately owned and the show will accept no responsibility for injuries or damaged caused by these vehicles. As part of the code of conduct, which all exhibitors must agree to, all vehicles should have road traffic act compliant insurance provided by specialist military insurers and/or separate public liability insurance.

All traders and reenactors have their own public liability insurance. The show will accept no responsibility for injuries or damaged caused within traders or re-enactment pitches.

If you own a military vehicle, are part of a reenactment group or have a business which would like to trade at the show, we strongly encourage you to check out the Exhibitors page and make an application to attend. Please do not simply turn up as you may be turned away.

If you have a general interest in militaria and happen to live in the solent area, why not consider joining the Solent Overlord Military Collectors Club, the show organisers. You’d then be able to offer your help at the show as well as obtain a number of member benefits. You can find out more on the SOE website. http://solentoverlord.org.uk